ExecNet is a dynamic group of business people that strive to encourage and challenge its members to new levels of success. In 2024, ExecNet celebrated its 20th year of a viable and successful networking group. ExecNet meets every Wednesday morning from 7:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. at the new Village Hall, 200 E. Wood Street, Meeting Room B (Please park in lot just north of Cutting Hall behind OST football field. Do not park on Wood Street.). All Chamber members are invited to participate in this group. Non-Chamber members are invited to attend two free visits.
Take a look at the ExecNet presentation video, compiled by Chamber member Connect Pros, Inc.
For more information, call Jim Hader at (847) 705-1521.
Women Empowered Businesses
Women Empowered Businesses (WEB) is an active group of women who are interested in learning and networking with one another while discussing business related topics. Meetings are held once a month, on the second Tuesday of each month from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Meetings include featured member presentations and organized presentations of business topics, along with time for networking with other members in attendance.
All meetings will take place at Tap House Grill (56 W. Wilson, Palatine), unless noted. Participants must register monthly and are responsible for their own meal costs.
The annual membership fee for the women in business networking group is $60 per person. This fee is donated to the Women Empowered Businesses scholarship fund. Click here to join Women in Business for the 2025 year.
For more information, please contact the WEB networking group leaders:
- Sasha Ivanov, State Farm Agency Owner at 847-358-2690, Sashaivanovinc@gmail.com
- Nancy Burgess, Nancy Burgess Strategic Marketing Inc. at 847-224-9727, nancy@nancyburgess.net
- Colleen Zicher, HAIRFIX CO at (224) 636-0686, colleenhaircare@gmail.com
For the eleventh consecutive year, the Palatine Area Chamber of Commerce Women Empowered Businesses Networking Group is offering a scholarship program to benefit female high school seniors in the Palatine community
This year, two $2,000 scholarships will be awarded to graduating female students from William Fremd High School and/or Palatine High School. The application deadline is March 1, 2025.
To be eligible for the scholarship, students must have a minimum of a 2.75 GPA with the intent to attend a two- or four-year college or university or trade school in fall 2025.
Other criteria that will be considered by the scholarship committee includes high school coursework, employment experience, participation in clubs/activities/service/volunteer roles, three short response questions, and two letters of recommendation.
By being a part of this networking group, you will be able to meet with fellow Chamber members for lunch, to share leads, give supportive ideas, learn about each business in depth and promote your business by giving 30 second infomercials. This non-compete group meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month from 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m, at Emmett's Brewing Co.
Please contact Bruce Blanck at bblancknwa@sbcglobal.net or (847) 372-8232,
or the Palatine Chamber office at (847) 359-7200.
Engage in conversations with fellow members over lunch while increasing your business. Never let a chance to network pass you by! Click here to register for the next ChamberNet meeting.
MAGNET Networking Group is morning Palatine Area Chamber of Commerce networking group that meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Light breakfast is included. All are invited (non-chamber members are welcome to come to one meeting as a guest)- the meeting is structured to allow for non-compete table groupings to network together and also for all to share information as a larger group. Come see what MAGNET can offer you and your business!
Please pre-register-- (before Noon on the Monday before)
Meeting Schedule:
First (5pm – 7pm) & Third (8am – 9am) Thursday of each month
Group Fee:
As a member of the RAMP Young Professionals, the group fee is $50. Click here to join.
The RAMP Young Professionals Group is composed of individuals who are part of the Rolling Meadows, Arlington Heights, Mount Prospect, or Palatine Area Chambers (RAMP) and share similar goals and aspirations. Our purpose is to assist group members in building deeper, more meaningful connections, become more involved in the community, and further the success of our young professionals. Let’s grow together!
View the Young Professionals Group
For more information, about the RAMP Young Professionals Group, Contact Maggie Morris: (847) 359-7200 or info@palatinechamber.com